JEngine.UI (JUI)

JEngine已推出提高UI开发效率的功能(支持操作任何UGUI组件, 例如:Button, Text, Slider,等)


  • 链式编程
  • 数据绑定
  • 循环更新
  • 精简强大
  • 基类使用JBehaviour,低GC高性能


  • onInit(Action<JUI> init)
  • onRun(Action<JUI> run)
  • onLoop(Action<JUI> loop)
  • onEnd(Action<JUI> end)
  • onMessage(Action<JUI> message)
  • Bind<T>(BindableProperty<T> val)
  • Element<T>() where T: UIBehaviour
  • Activate()


  1. 在您的热更工程里,引入以下命名空间

    using JEngine.Core;
  2. JUI.CreateOn(GameObject gameObject)方法创建JUI

    //Here it is an example of adding JUI
    JUI t = JUI.CreateOn(GameObject.Find("Canvas/AnyGameObject"));
  3. 可以对JUI的生命周期进行分配:

           //To Init it
           t.onInit(t =>
          //To Run it
           t.onRun(t =>
          //When it has ended
           t.onEnd(t =>
          //To Loop it
           t.onLoop(t =>
          // To Bind a Data
          BindableProperty<int> i = new BindableProperty<int>(0);
          t.Bind(i);//Bind JUI to an data
          //What to do when data has updated
          t.onMessage(t =>
  4. 激活JUI(必备):

  5. 恭喜!成功使用 (记住第四步激活JUI)

  6. 删除,可以直接删GameObject,或使用JBehaviour的销毁方法:JBehaviour.RemoveJBehaviour(jui);



JUIText t = JUI.CreateOn(GameObject.Find("Canvas/Text"))
                .onInit(t1 =>
                .onRun(t2 =>
                .onLoop(t3 =>
                .onEnd(t4 =>



public class Example
        public void Start()
             * ========================================================================
             * 10 seconds countdown demo
             * 10秒倒计时例子
             * ========================================================================

            int i = 10;

            JUI t = JUI.CreateOn(GameObject.Find("Canvas/Text"))//给一个GameObject绑定JUI,该GameObject可以不包含任何UI控件
                .onInit(t1 =>
                    var text = t1.Element<Text>();
                    text.text = "I have been Inited!";
                .onRun(t2 =>
                    var text = t2.Element<Text>();
                    text.text = "I am Running!";

                    //Set the loop mode and frequency
                    t2.FrameMode = false;//Run in milliseconds
                    t2.Frequency = 1000;//Run in every 1000 ms (1 second)

                    UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(t2.gameObject, 10);
                .onLoop(t3 =>
                    var text = t3.Element<Text>();
                    text.text = "I will be destroyed in " + i +" seconds!";
                .onEnd(t4 =>
                    Debug.Log("My lifecycle has been ended!");


    public class Data
        public int a = 0;
        public BindableProperty<int> b = new BindableProperty<int>(0);

    /// <summary>
    /// This showcase shows how JUI works if an UI needs to update frequently
    /// </summary>
    public class Demo :MonoBehaviour
        public static Demo Instance;

        public Data data;

        public void Awake()
            Instance = this;
            data = new Data();//Create data

        //You need Start here in ILRuntime so that it leads to update
        //If you dont have Start method when you inherit MonoBehaviour, ILRuntime will not call Update (It is an unknown bug and i will fix it soon as possible)
        public void Start()

        float seconds = 0;
        //pretends to modify data every second
        public void Update()
            seconds += Time.deltaTime;

            if (seconds >= 1)
                data.a++;//Pretending modifing data
                data.b.Value++;//Pretending modifing data
                seconds -= 1;

    public class JUIShowcase : MonoBehaviour
        GameObject a;
        GameObject b;

        #region NORMAL WAY TO UPDATE UI
        public void Awake()
            //Add showcase data
            new GameObject("BindShowcase").AddComponent<Demo>();
            a = GameObject.Find("Canvas/A");//Bind the gameobject which has the UI element
        //In normal way you need to update your UI in every frame so that you can make your text acurately present your data
        int times = 0;
        public void Update()
            a.GetComponent<Text>().text = "(Without JUI)a=""\n<size=20>I have been run for "+times+" times</size>";//Update UI

        #region USE JUI TO UPDATE UI(With Bind)
         * ========================================================================
         * JUI bind demo
         * JUI绑定数据例子
         * ========================================================================
        public void Start()
            b = GameObject.Find("Canvas/B");//Bind gameobject to show data

            //In JUI it is easy to bind data with text
            int times2 = 0;
            var JUI = JUI.CreateOn(b)//Add JUI to an gameobject
            .Bind( data.b to this gameobject
            .onMessage(t1 =>//Tells JUI what to do when the binded data has updated
                //EG. we have update UI here
                t1.Element<Text>().text = "(With JUI)b=" + ((int) + "\n<size=20>I have been run for " + times2 + " times</size>";
                //You can convert bindable properties easily and get their values
            .Activate();//Activate the UI

控制循环频率 (如果你想要UI循环更新的话)


  • FrameMode: bool,如果为true,帧循环;反之,毫秒循环 ,默认为true
  • Frequency: int,代表循环的间隔时间,代表毫秒或帧数,默认为1


void MyJUIExample()
  MyData data;//Create a data
  JUI jui = JUI.CreateOn(GameObject.Find("Canvas/MyUIElement"))//Add JUI to an UI element
    .Bind(data.b)//Bind a data
    .onMessage(t=>		//Tell what to do when data has changed
      Debug.Log("b has changed!");
    .Activate();	//Activate JUI


JUI jui = JUI.CreateOn(GameObject.Find("Canvas/MyUIElement"));//Add JUI to an UI element
Button btn = jui.Element<Button>();//It is a generic method to get an UI element
//If you dont have this component on the element, JUI will automatically add one
